Font Testing

Current Fonts

Header: Open Sans Condensed

Body: Open Sans
Hodell-Natco is an industrial fastener supplier specializing in inventory management, supply chain efficiency and value. We partner with our manufacturing and construction customers to provide creative fastening solutions that save them time and reduce their costs. Our global sourcing capabilities and technical expertise, combined with data and logistics acumen, allow us to provide fasteners and other engineered commodities with unmatched efficiency.

Alternative Headers

Header: Bebas Neue

Header: Economica

Header: Ubuntu

Header: Ubuntu Condensed

Header: Nanum Gothic

Header: Titillium Web

Header: Lexend Deca

Header: Noto Sans SC

Header: Yanone Kaffeesatz

Alternative Body Fonts

Body: Nunito Sans
 is an industrial fastener supplier specializing in inventory management, supply chain efficiency and value. We partner with our manufacturing and construction customers to provide creative fastening solutions that save them time and reduce their costs. Our global sourcing capabilities and technical expertise, combined with data and logistics acumen, allow us to provide fasteners and other engineered commodities with unmatched efficiency.

Body: Montserrat
 is an industrial fastener supplier specializing in inventory management, supply chain efficiency and value. We partner with our manufacturing and construction customers to provide creative fastening solutions that save them time and reduce their costs. Our global sourcing capabilities and technical expertise, combined with data and logistics acumen, allow us to provide fasteners and other engineered commodities with unmatched efficiency.

Body: Poppins
 is an industrial fastener supplier specializing in inventory management, supply chain efficiency and value. We partner with our manufacturing and construction customers to provide creative fastening solutions that save them time and reduce their costs. Our global sourcing capabilities and technical expertise, combined with data and logistics acumen, allow us to provide fasteners and other engineered commodities with unmatched efficiency.

Body: Roboto
 is an industrial fastener supplier specializing in inventory management, supply chain efficiency and value. We partner with our manufacturing and construction customers to provide creative fastening solutions that save them time and reduce their costs. Our global sourcing capabilities and technical expertise, combined with data and logistics acumen, allow us to provide fasteners and other engineered commodities with unmatched efficiency.

Body: Source Sans Pro
 is an industrial fastener supplier specializing in inventory management, supply chain efficiency and value. We partner with our manufacturing and construction customers to provide creative fastening solutions that save them time and reduce their costs. Our global sourcing capabilities and technical expertise, combined with data and logistics acumen, allow us to provide fasteners and other engineered commodities with unmatched efficiency.