Helping Customers Succeed in 2018
A new year often causes us to re-evaluate our priorities and how we do things. As a manufacturer, you should consider reevaluating the effectiveness of your fastener supplier. But how? Most businesses are, of course, looking for a supplier who will save them time, money, or both. But dig a little deeper and you’ll find that sound partnerships, those that last well beyond that initial contract, are built on those intangibles like knowledge, trust, reliability and support.
Here’s a quick breakdown of how Hodell-Natco helps our customers succeed:
1. We work to understand your business.
Even though we have a knowledgeable salesforce, we realize every business is unique. So we ask LOTS of questions, we tour your manufacturing operations, we collect data and we ask more questions. Probing, observation, and data analysis help us become intimate with your business and find solutions that suit your needs.
2. We make your job easier.
We manage your fastener inventory for you with whichever method is most beneficial to your business like: bin stocking, stock & release, or consignment inventory programs. Plus, we offer other value-added services like kitting, assembly, light manufacturing, and inventory reporting. Getting you quality fasteners on-time, every time is how we earn your trust. When you can trust that your fasteners are handled, you’re able to focus on your core manufacturing business.
3. Our partnership evolves to suit your needs.
Over time, your needs change. We welcome and support these changes because we know responding to market changes helps our customers grow their businesses. As your partner, Hodell-Natco will always proactively look for opportunities to help grow and enhance your operations.
Want to talk more with someone who is passionate about helping our customers succeed? Contact Dan Reidl, our Executive Vice President, at 216.447.0165.